About me
I am a second-year PhD student in Linguistics at the University of Maryland, where I'm advised by Valentine Hacquard and Jeff Lidz. My interests are mainly in semantics, language acquisition, and their intersection: I study how children learn the meanings of their language.
Some specific topics I am working on include:
Acquisition and representation of attitude verbs such as think and want
Infants' understanding of clause types and their relation to speech acts
Children's comprehension of connectives such as but and so
Prior to coming to Maryland, I earned my B.A. in Linguistics and French at Stanford University, where I worked with Judith Degen and Michael Frank. After that, I completed my Master's degree in Cognitive Science at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, under the supervision of Alex de Carvalho.
You can contact me at: e swan (at) umd (dot) edu